To the mama who feels she doesn't have time for herself anymore....
Yes, it’s possible… and we’re going to show you how (even if you’re exhausted, burned out, and overwhelmed.)
Free Virtual Event: Making Space for Mom
Free Virtual Event:
Making Space for Mom
You love your kids, and of course wouldn’t trade this life for anything. As they say, it’s the hardest job you’ll ever love.
But at the same time, it’s a lot to be a mom. The role can be heavy. The responsibilities weigh us down to the point of ignoring what we need.
It feels like there’s no time to even breathe – let alone find time for the things that you love. The things that help you care for yourself, rather than run yourself into the ground.
Wait, did you tune out for a sec when we said “self-care”?
In today’s world, we are bombarded with self-care messages, doing what makes us happy, thinking of ourselves before others, blah blah blah. That doesn’t work for us.
Self-care makes us feel G U I L T Y for spending time on ourselves when we “should” be spending that time on our families.
Here’s the thing, mama: the idea of self-care as you know it is a fallacy.
The self care we’re talking about is necessary to be the strong, confident, peaceful woman you want to be.
We as moms cringe at the word “self-care” since it feels selfish, even though we know the saying: put your own oxygen mask first.
Instead, think of it as Mama Care. Because caring for the mama means you’re in the best position to be the mom you want to be.
What does that look like?
Doing daily exercises to heal your core and pelvic floor.
Fueling your body with energizing foods that balance your hormones.
Taking care of your appearance (for you!), managing your home, and enjoying the little things that light you up.
Taking your thoughts captive, creating a mindset that helps you THRIVE.
Mama Care allows you to function at your best from the inside out, so you have the strength to serve those you love most.
The question becomes: where can we find the time?
How can we prioritize Mama Care in a way that doesn’t add to the overwhelm or trigger the chaos?
How do we turn Mama Care from a luxury into a necessity in our mindset?
Here’s an idea: what if we take a breather, just for one week?
... so that you feel beautiful, strong, in control, and at peace with the life you have built for your family?
... so that you feel beautiful, strong, in control, and at peace with the life you have built for your family?
Let’s help you find the time you don’t think you have at the...
FREE LIVE Virtual Retreat
July 18-22, 2022
A FREE LIVE 5-day virtual event for practical, time-efficient ideas so you can take charge of your time, your fitness, your schedule, your home, your health, and a little Mama Care.
It’s a breath of fresh air if you’re willing to take it.
Spoiler alert: you won’t regret it
It’s time to get out of the frazzled, “I don’t have time” headspace and step into a peaceful, margin-filled life. Why? So you can work on healing your body, getting healthy, and having time for what makes you feel alive and beautiful.