To the mama who feels she doesn't have time for herself anymore....

Let's Create Space for the Things That Make You Feel Alive, Beautiful and at Peace.

Yes, it’s possible… and we’re going to show you how (even if you’re exhausted, burned out, and overwhelmed.)



Free Virtual Event: Making Space for Mom

Free Virtual Event:

Making Space for Mom

I see you with no time for yourself.

  • Dealing with piles of laundry (you always wash the load, right, but putting it away?).

  • Acting as an endless snack machine ALL.SUMMER.LONG.

  • Wishing for a moment of peace to drink your coffee while it’s still hot.

  • Beating yourself up for missing another workout because you’re being pulled in so many directions.

  • Watching today go by without getting out of your sweats or putting on mascara (you tell yourself it’s fine).

  • Eating the kids’ snacks in a rush instead of sitting down to nourish your body.
  • Dealing with piles of laundry (you always wash the load, right, but putting it away?).

  • Acting as an endless snack machine ALL.SUMMER.LONG.

  • Wishing for a moment of peace to drink your coffee while it’s still hot.

  • Beating yourself up for missing another workout because you’re being pulled in so many directions.

  • Watching today go by without getting out of your sweats or putting on mascara (you tell yourself it’s fine).

  • Eating the kids’ snacks in a rush instead of sitting down to nourish your body.

You love your kids, and of course wouldn’t trade this life for anything. As they say, it’s the hardest job you’ll ever love.

But at the same time, it’s a lot to be a mom. The role can be heavy. The responsibilities weigh us down to the point of ignoring what we need.

It feels like there’s no time to even breathe – let alone find time for the things that you love. The things that help you care for yourself, rather than run yourself into the ground.

  • Like wearing something other than leggings.

  • Reading a book for *gasp* fun.

  • Working out (doing the exercises to heal your postpartum body. Newsflash: exercise is not a luxury).


When was the last time you put on makeup because it makes you feel pretty?


When was the last time you felt in control of meals, using food for fuel to nourish your body?


When was the last time you felt well rested and energized by your day?

We tell ourselves that “self-care” is an all-or-nothing mentality.


When was the last time you put on makeup because it makes you feel pretty?


When was the last time you felt in control of meals, using food for fuel to nourish your body?


When was the last time you felt well rested and energized by your day?

We tell ourselves that “self-care” is an all-or-nothing mentality.

Wait, did you tune out for a sec when we said “self-care”?

In today’s world, we are bombarded with self-care messages, doing what makes us happy, thinking of ourselves before others, blah blah blah. That doesn’t work for us.

Self-care makes us feel G U I L T Y for spending time on ourselves when we “should” be spending that time on our families.

Here’s the thing, mama: the idea of self-care as you know it is a fallacy.

The self care we’re talking about is necessary to be the strong, confident, peaceful woman you want to be.

We as moms cringe at the word “self-care” since it feels selfish, even though we know the saying: put your own oxygen mask first.

Instead, think of it as Mama Care. Because caring for the mama means you’re in the best position to be the mom you want to be.

What does that look like?

Doing daily exercises to heal your core and pelvic floor.

Fueling your body with energizing foods that balance your hormones.

Taking care of your appearance (for you!), managing your home, and enjoying the little things that light you up.

Taking your thoughts captive, creating a mindset that helps you THRIVE.

Mama Care allows you to function at your best from the inside out, so you have the strength to serve those you love most.

The question becomes: where can we find the time?

How can we prioritize Mama Care in a way that doesn’t add to the overwhelm or trigger the chaos?

How do we turn Mama Care from a luxury into a necessity in our mindset?

Here’s an idea: what if we take a breather, just for one week?

What if you could learn some cool stuff for yourself that would make your life:

  • more calm

  • more alive

  • a little extra girly

  • a whole lot healthier

... so that you feel beautiful, strong, in control, and at peace with the life you have built for your family?

What if you could learn some cool stuff for yourself that would make your life:

  • more calm

  • more alive

  • a little extra girly

  • a whole lot healthier

... so that you feel beautiful, strong, in control, and at peace with the life you have built for your family?

Let’s help you find the time you don’t think you have at the...

FREE LIVE Virtual Retreat

July 18-22, 2022

A FREE LIVE 5-day virtual event for practical, time-efficient ideas so you can take charge of your time, your fitness, your schedule, your home, your health, and a little Mama Care.

It’s a breath of fresh air if you’re willing to take it.

Spoiler alert: you won’t regret it

It’s time to get out of the frazzled, “I don’t have time” headspace and step into a peaceful, margin-filled life. Why? So you can work on healing your body, getting healthy, and having time for what makes you feel alive and beautiful.

It’s time to get out of the frazzled, “I don’t have time” headspace and step into a peaceful, margin-filled life. Why? So you can work on healing your body, getting healthy, and having time for what makes you feel alive and beautiful.

During the FREE Making Space for Mom Virtual Retreat, we’ll create the margin you crave so:

Your home and life are peaceful & productive.

You’ll make the time for your own well-being (we’re talking workouts, easy fashion + make up looks, plus the confidence mindset to go with it)

You’ll learn to strengthen and heal your body the right way after having babies

You’re empowered with practical tips to handle your kids’ struggles, like sleep (so you get sleep too!) and helping them get out and play

We often think that we’re in control of our lives when we’re really not.

Instead of bossing our schedules around, we’re the ones getting schooled simply because we prioritize everything except time for our own health and wellness.

The Making Space for Mom Retreat will cover everything a mama needs from restoring her body after having babies, meal planning, and mindset, to getting kids to help you in the kitchen, and even having a foolproof plan to know what to wear each day!

Basically - you’ll OWN YOUR TIME.

Let me tell you right now – taking the time to help yourself isn’t selfish. It doesn’t mean you’re putting your family last. It means you’re thinking holistically about the health of your entire family when you recognize that you need to be healthy, too.

A fulfilled mama is a calm, confident, peaceful mama and nurtures those same traits in her family.

That’s what every mom wants, isn’t it?


Fitness Made for Moms

(because your core shouldn’t feel like mush):

Suzie Edwards, Host

Postpartum Fitness Expert, CPT, PCES, Founder - AlphaMamas Fitness


Pelvic Floor


Jen Penney

PCES, Pelvic Floor Strength Coach, CPT, Founder, ABC Stronger


Pelvic Floor


Kendra Fitzgerald & Nicole Coons

Pregnancy & Postpartum

Fitness Experts, Co-Founders of Devoted Mamas


Postpartum Strength Training

Rachael Van Schoick

Orthopedic Dysfunction Specialist


Align Your Back

Pain Postpartum

Stasia Humphreys

Posture and Alignment Expert, Painfree Clinic of Denver


Forward Head


Liz Cuttica

Barre Expert, Postpartum Fitness Expert, Founder Millie Grey Fitness


Barre Workout for

Diastasis Recti

Home Management

(because your house can feel like a haven with very little work!)

Ashley Buffa

Dedicated Non-Perfectionist Home Systems Extraordinaire - Founder Freedom Moms


Kids in the Kitchen

Amy Pepin

Professional Organizer

and Life

Efficiency Coach


The Daily


Portia Jackson

Certified Financial Planner,

CEO of Wealthy

and Fulfilled:


Making Space

for Money

Stephanie Deininget

Organizing & Productivity Pro, Founder of The Organized Flamingo


Decluttering Sprints: How to declutter when you only have short periods of time

Kasey Chase

Work at Home Mom,

Owner of Strategic Solutions


Get Set Up for Success!

Mama Self-care

(hello Gorgeous, time to look and feel beautiful with little effort!)

Jammie Baker

Former Hollywood Stylist, Mom Stylist, Founder of the Momiform


Why Style Matters Postpartum:

Live Mom Life in Style!

Camille Levi

Professional Makeup Artist, Founder BA Makeup


Level Up

Your Look

Amy Wine

Marriage Therapist, and Peak Performance Business Coach


The Thrive


Eva McManmon

Founder of Confident and Calm Working Mom:


Living Undistracted

Rachael Pontillo

Holistic Skincare Formulator, Educator, & Licensed Aesthetician


Why Holistic Skin Care Matters for Moms

Sara Jensen

Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Hugh & Grace


Choosing Clean Skin

Care Products

Women's Hormones & Nutrition

(Fix your food, fix your hormones, feel happier and less crazy)

Tracy Mann

Registered Dietician, Women’s Hormone Specialist


Metabolism Makeover

for Moms

Jen Landry

CPT, PCES, founder,

Mom’s Fit Life


Busting Baby


Barb Ladimir

Nutrition Coach, Pregnancy & Postpartum Exercise Specialist


Gut Health, Inflammation,

and Diastasis Recti

Caroline Fausel


Olive You Whole


Quick & Easy Meal Prep Tips, Plans & Recipes That Will Make Kitchen Time Easier and More Efficient!

Audra Baker

Trauma Informed Master Weight Loss Coach, CEO Food & Body Freedom


Get Out of Your Own Way: Why We Self Sabotage and How To Stop.

Allison Hollinger

Healthy Recipe Creator

and Founder of Plan to Nourish


Essential Meal Prepping Tips for Busy Families

Help Yourself By Helping Your Kids

(a few minutes of self-led play? YES PLEASE!)

Kelsey Brown

Pediatric Speech Therapist, Founder of As the Little Grows


Calm In


Beth Vazquez

Wellness Expert, Founder of Recess and Results


How to Get Paid to Play with Your Kids

Carianna Gibb

Pediatric Sleep Consultant, Founder of All the Sleeps


5 Steps to

Better Sleep

Jane Pilskalnietis

Outdoor Play Specialist, Founder and Chief Play Officer at Wildbright Play


Outdoor Play for Kids - Get your time back!

Jes Marcy

Declutter Coach,

Founder of Prioritize Your Sanity


Kids and Clutter

This is not your average “get productive” summit where you learn how to do more work.

This is about Mama Care – making space for the things you love and that prioritize your health and wellbeing without sacrificing your family or feeling guilty.

Why? So you can show up as your best self, strong and confident in your body.

This free virtual retreat is designed to help you:

  • Discover how to exercise after having babies to help heal your core

  • Love how your home functions

  • Take your thoughts captive and create a joyful mindset

  • Have practical styling and makeup tips to feel beautiful without spending an hour getting dolled up

  • Create tools for helping kids be self-reliant during the summer.

This free virtual retreat is designed to help you:

  • Discover how to exercise after having babies to help heal your core

  • Love how your home functions

  • Take your thoughts captive and create a joyful mindset

  • Have practical styling and makeup tips to feel beautiful without spending an hour getting dolled up

  • Create tools for helping kids be self-reliant during the summer.

Maybe these are the things you used to lovethe things you pictured motherhood would be about – but they’ve been pushed to the side for so long that you forget how happy they make you.

It’s time to create margin in your life, mama, so you have time and bandwidth to do what you love.

Here’s how each day of the Retreat will run...

(all presentations will be available until midnight the day they are scheduled.)

Designed With You In Mind:



Morning Movement

Set up your day for success by moving your body with our Fitness Coaches, because endorphins make you happy and your core needs to function :)



Fun Mama-CarE

Feel beautiful with our Beauty and Wellness Experts - makeup, fashion, skin care, mindset. It’s a need, not a luxury.




.Learn from our Nutrition and Women’s Hormones Experts, so that you don’t feel like a crazy person.




.. with our Home Management Experts- so you can relax in a space you love.



Help yourself by helping your kids

Our Kid Experts will save your time and sanity.

Come join us for a fun, therapeutic, relaxing, and confidence-building event designed just for you – not to add more to your plate, but to arrange your plate in such a way that there’s space for the things you love.

Here’s how each day of the Retreat will run


Designed With You In Mind:



Morning Movement

Set up your day for success by moving your body with our Fitness Coaches, because endorphins make you happy and your core needs to function :)



Fun Mama-CarE

Feel beautiful with our Beauty and Wellness Experts - makeup, fashion, skin care, mindset. It’s a need, not a luxury.




.Learn from our Nutrition and Women’s Hormones Experts, so that you don’t feel like a crazy person.




.. with our Home Management Experts- so you can relax in a space you love.



Help yourself by helping your kids

Our Kid Experts will save your time and sanity.

Come join us for a fun, therapeutic, relaxing, and confidence-building event designed just for you – not to add more to your plate, but to arrange your plate in such a way that there’s space for the things you love.

Making Space for Mom LIVE Virtual Retreat

July 18-22, 2022


Is the virtual retreat really free?

Yep! Tickets to attend the retreat week and get access to the speaker’s freebies are totally free. You will have the chance to snag the Take Your Time Vault to keep the recordings after the retreat ends (for a fraction of the actual price), but anything you wish to purchase is completely optional. Just come hang out with us for the week and enjoy the speaker’s helpful tips for free!

Where will the virtual retreat be held?

The Making Space for Mom Retreat is entirely virtual. Feel free to join us from your couch, your bed, during nap-time, on a walk or anywhere! You’ll get daily emails and access to our private Facebook community so you don’t miss a thing.

How long is each presentation available?

The speaker’s videos will be live until midnight on the day they present. To get access to the recording to watch the presentations on your own time, be sure to grab the Take Your Time Vault on the next page!

Can I bring friends?

Of course! Just share this page with all your friends and they can register for free too!

What does my free ticket include?

Your free ticket gets you daily access to each speaker’s session for 1 day, plus access to a private FB community where we will connect and have conversations about what was in that day’s events. You’ll also get a free resource from most speakers to take with you after the retreat is over! And of course there will be giveaways and prizes!

What upgrades are available?

This retreat is all about giving you your time back! So, if you want to take the speaker’s presentations with you to watch on your own time, you can totally do that. Upgrade to the Take Your Time Vault, and get early access to all 26 speaker’s presentations right away. No need to show up live to watch. Plus, keep the recordings once the retreat is over.

The Take your Time Vault allows you to keep the presentations and come back to to rewatch again and again. Instead of only 1 day to watch the presentations, you’ll get instant access to the recordings to keep!

Meet your host

I'm Suzie Edwards, Founder of AlphaMamas Fitness.

As a fitness coach for moms, I've helped thousands of women restore core and pelvic floor strength after having babies with my best selling postpartum fitness programs. I'm a mom of 3, and run my business from home while homeschooling my girls. So, yes, I know what a full plate feel like!

The number one struggle I hear on the daily from my clients and customers is that mamas don’t have time for exercise.

It’s true that our lives get way more complex once kids come along, and time is precious. We as moms often neglect the critical things we need to thrive because:

We're too busy taking care of our kids.

And if we’re not, we’re doing it wrong or being selfish.

Friend, that’s just not true.

There is nothing but our own minds telling us that we don’t have time to take care of ourselves, that if we fit in a workout we’re being selfish, or if we need 5 minutes to get dressed and pop on a little mascara, we’re neglecting our kids.

It’s all a lie. It’s possible to take care of our families without sacrificing the things that fill us up as women.

That is why this retreat was created.

Mama, you can take time to care for yourself so you can care for your family without feeling guilty, and you’re invited to join me and so many others for the Making Space for Mom Virtual Retreat.

You'll leave feeling relaxed, confident, calm. and beautiful.

Making Space for Mom Virtual Retreat

July 18-22, 2022

We all know… you can’t pour from an empty cup, my friend.

When Mama is at her best, then her family is at its best.

We all know… you can’t pour from an empty cup, my friend.

When Mama is at her best, then her family is at its best.

But when you believe the lies that there’s no chance to control your schedule, to fit in a hot cup of coffee, or to be anything more than frazzled, then you’re setting yourself up for that overwhelm.

That’s not healthy or beneficial long term.

There’s a better way – and it’s gonna be fun! You’re invited to spend 5 days with us getting the tools that will help you find the time you don’t think you have and the resources to make the most of the time you do.

The Making Space for Mom Retreat will be short, sweet, and to the point. It’ll be a quick breather, a Mama Care mini retreat… like a refreshing glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. We’ll get straight to the point each day so you’ll get exactly what you want to make the most of your valuable time.

This is a retreat designed for you to take what you need and leave the rest. To make life feel lighter with no expectations, goals, or productivity to hit – Is that what you’ve been looking for?

grab your yummy green smoothie and your

fav workout gear and join us for..


JULY 18-22, 2022